[Fluttershy is nervous about having to fly in front of an audience.]
[She gives it her best...]
[...which is unfortunately weak.]
[The laughter brings back bad memories of her foalhood. She can practically hear the taunting...]
"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"
[Her nerves get the best of her, and she slows down even more.]
"Tell her."
"No you tell her."
"No, You."
"Umm... great job, Fluttershy. You measured, uh... uh... point five, heh."
"Point five? Isn't that, like... like less than one?"
[The voices return within her head...]
"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"
"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!"
"Fluttershy, Fluttershy--"
"Fluttershy! Wait!"
"So some punks poked a little fun at you and you got stage fright... big deal!"
"You aren't gonna go quit just because of that, are you?"
"Y-h-hes! *sob*"
"But I need you!"
"I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I just don't have the courage right now. *sob*"
Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy
My commentary: This scene shows how kind and caring Fluttershy is, and how the world would be better if only others could be as considerate. Seeing Fluttershy cry so heavily is undoubtably one of the saddest moments (if not the saddest) in the whole series, and it's satisfying to see that Rainbow Dash is actually taken aback by it. Witnessing Fluttershy's traumatic vision is one of those parts that prove Fluttershy isn't just lovable because she's colorful and cute etc, but because of her personality and relatable realism. Additionally, the scene shows Angel Bunny being nice (which is unfortunately rare), and also one of many "shut up, Spike" moments, as I call them (I just love to hate Spike, don't you?)
My commentary: This scene shows how kind and caring Fluttershy is, and how the world would be better if only others could be as considerate. Seeing Fluttershy cry so heavily is undoubtably one of the saddest moments (if not the saddest) in the whole series, and it's satisfying to see that Rainbow Dash is actually taken aback by it. Witnessing Fluttershy's traumatic vision is one of those parts that prove Fluttershy isn't just lovable because she's colorful and cute etc, but because of her personality and relatable realism. Additionally, the scene shows Angel Bunny being nice (which is unfortunately rare), and also one of many "shut up, Spike" moments, as I call them (I just love to hate Spike, don't you?)
oh sorry