Thursday, April 30, 2015


[Fluttershy is feeding some fish]

[Then, this thing comes up behind her]

*Squeak squeak squeak!*
"Is someone over there?"

"Who we gonna squirt? Who we gonna squirt?"

"hee hee hee! Fluttershy!"

"What?! No no no no no! We can't prank Fluttershy. I mean, she's so sensitive! It'll hurt her feelings -- even our most harmless prank."

"Yeah. You're right."

[A minute later, Fluttershy still has no idea what's going on with this weird turtle thing]


*wobble wobble*

Episode: Griffon the Brush-Off

My commentary: It's refreshing to see a show with good morals, especially a non-stock moral like "don't treat others how you'd want to be treated, treat others how they'd want to be treated." Most seem to get that lesson mixed up, but this is the correct way. Not all people (or ponies) are made alike, and they don't all want to be treated the same way, so consideration needs to be taken into account.

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