Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Pony Pox

*knock knock knock*
"Fluttershy! I know you're in there!"

*knock knock knock*
 "You're avoiding tornado duty and I wanna know why!"
*knock knock knock knock*
"Fluttershy, open--"



  "Achhoo oo."

  "Hi, Rainbow Dash. *ahheh hheh hheh*"

"Fluttershy, what happened to you?"

 "Oh, I --*sniff sniff* I think I have -- *aheh aheh* the pony pox."

 "I'm sorry. I really, really wanted to come to training day to --" 


 "...but this pony pox has really knocked me for a loop."


 "Ahheh hheh."

 "Oh, you poor thing. You know, there's only one cure for pony pox..."

 "I know. Plenty of bed--"


 "Coooold water!"

"Those pony pox are clearing right up!"

 "Hhuh, y'know, all of a sudden I'm... I'm starting to feel better, h-heh. I'll just get out of these robes and--"


"Oh, my wing. Oh, ow. It's hurt. I guess I can't fly after---"



[Rainbow Dash speaks:]
"Messed up wing, huh?"

Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy

My commentary: I feel like most of the Fluttershy scenes I like are either because they're about how insecure she is or because they're funny, and this is one of those where it's both. The way she actually says "Achoooo" instead of faking a sneeze is adorable, as is her collapsing in the doorframe, and I love the way she just instantly goes into pretending she hurt her wing -- her "Ow" is more than respectable, but her following comments are said so softly and casually that I can't help but smile upon hearing them.

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